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Effective Email Management: Prioritizing Email Using the Eisenhower/Covey Quadrant

Working by priority and then by urgency, using the Eisenhower or Stephen Covey quadrant method, is the best way to manage your email because it helps you focus on the most important and urgent tasks first. This method is based on the idea that tasks can be divided into four categories: important and urgent, important but not urgent, not important but urgent, and not important and not urgent. 

By sorting your emails into these categories, you can prioritize the tasks that are most important and urgent, while putting less important or less urgent tasks on hold. This can help you to be more productive and efficient with your time, and to focus on the tasks that will have the greatest impact on your work or personal life. 

Here are a few examples of how you can use the Eisenhower or Stephen Covey quadrant method to manage your emails: 

  1. Prioritizing important and urgent emails: These are emails that require immediate attention and have a direct impact on your work or...
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