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The Unseen Wheel: When Teams Don't Know What They Don't Know - Because They Didn't Get The Chance

What if you recognize the value LeanMail could bring to your team's productivity but you're hesitant to introduce a new tool?

While this caution is reasonable, keep in mind that your team is unlikely to discover such specialized solutions without guidance. Remember the Post-it Note story? Peer Collaboration is Key to Make Innovation Happen.

What if, instead of seeing sharing LeanMail as an imposition, you saw it as empowering your team to manage email more efficiently. By not introducing LeanMail, you're missing an opportunity to provide a tool that cuts through the everyday chaos of information overload.

A practical way to introduce LeanMail is to invite your teams to our workshop.  Perhaps you've already been to one?  This isn't merely a presentation; it's a forum for dialogue, and questions. Framing it as a learning opportunity adds value and makes the initiative more appealing.

By showcasing LeanMail, you're giving your team a firsthand look at its benefits, enabling them to make an informed choice. You can organize this workshop as an exclusive event to emphasize its importance and make your team feel special for being included in a potentially transformative experience.

Given the efficiency gains and time saved, the opportunity cost of not introducing LeanMail could be substantial. It's worth considering as you weigh your decision. And what if they look back on you as the one who introduced a game-changing innovation to the company? That wouldn't be half bad, would it?


No credit card needed!

I'm Ready to get complete control over my inbox!

If after the 30-day trial you wish to continue using LeanMail, you will be requested to pay €5 per module per month
on an annual subscription basis.
For Outlook users connected to
Exchange (Office365) on Windows devices.