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The Unseen Wheel: When Teams Don't Know What They Don't Know - Because They Didn't Get The Chance

What if you recognize the value LeanMail could bring to your team's productivity but you're hesitant to introduce a new tool?

While this caution is reasonable, keep in mind that your team is unlikely to discover such specialized solutions without guidance. Remember the Post-it Note story? Peer Collaboration is Key to Make Innovation Happen.

What if, instead of seeing sharing LeanMail as an imposition, you saw it as empowering your team to manage email more efficiently. By not introducing LeanMail, you're missing an opportunity to provide a tool that cuts through the everyday chaos of information overload.

A practical way to introduce LeanMail is to invite your teams to our workshop.  Perhaps you've already been to one?  This isn't merely a presentation; it's a forum for dialogue, and questions. Framing it as a learning opportunity adds value and makes the initiative more appealing.

By showcasing LeanMail, you're giving your team a firsthand look at its...

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ChatGPTs suggestion for fixing email will blow your mind

I asked ChatGPT how we should fix email.  Here’s what it said:

  1. Establish clear communication guidelines: Set expectations for email usage, response times, and when it’s more appropriate to use alternative communication channels. 
  2. Encourage concise and clear writing: Emphasize the importance of brevity, clarity, and focused messages to improve understanding and reduce miscommunication.
  3. Use subject lines effectively: Encourage the use of descriptive subject lines that summarize the email’s content, making it easier for recipients to prioritize and search for specific messages.
  4. Limit unnecessary email threads: Discourage excessive “reply all” and encourage individuals to respond only when their input is necessary, reducing email clutter.
  5. Implement folder and tagging systems: Encourage individuals to organize their emails into folders or use tags to categorize and locate important messages quickly.
  6. Explore alternative...
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What Are the Right Buckets For Email And Does It Really Matter

What Are the Right Buckets For Email And Does It Really Matter?

 From watching this YouTube video, BEST Way to Organize Gmail, it would be easy to believe the author’s argument that email generally falls into three categories: Follow-up; Awaiting response; Need to read.

Perhaps they do, but you could just as well organize them by:

  • Sender or source, such as: Client; Team; Project
  • Timeframe, such as: Today; This week; This month
  • Status or stage, such as: To Do; In Progress; Done

 While dividing emails into buckets can be helpful for managing your workload and staying organized, it's important to recognize that simply creating buckets is not a substitute for taking real action on your emails. In other words, creating the right buckets is just the first step towards being productive with your email.

In all the examples above, the buckets or folders are based on a factor other than the urgency and importance of the task it represents. Dividing emails into the categories...

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Poor Email Management: The Real Reason for Slow Responses

Many people blame their inability to respond in a timely manner on the demands of their job. But the truth is that the real reason they’re struggling is because they’re not managing their email well. 

One of the biggest culprits is Outlook, the most widely used email client in the world. Despite its popularity, Outlook is not designed for the way we work today. It’s cluttered, hard to navigate, and does not provide the tools we need to manage our email efficiently. As a result, people spend hours a day sifting through their inbox, trying to find the information they need. 

This is where LeanMail comes in. We’ve developed a method for managing email that is based on the principles of Lean Thinking. Our method is designed to help you reduce the amount of time you spend managing your email, so you can focus on the things that matter. 

Our software, LeanMail, is specifically designed for Outlook users. It provides a simple and elegant solution to...

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Mastering Productivity: How Prioritizing Important Emails Over Quantity Can Actually Boost Your Efficiency

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that being productive means getting a lot of email done. Many of us spend hours every day responding to emails, sorting through our inbox, and sending out quick replies just to clear the backlog. But what if all that time spent on email is actually making us less productive in the long run? 

The truth is, not all emails are created equal. Some are easy to deal with and require a quick response, while others require more thought and consideration. The problem is that we often prioritize the easy emails over the important ones, thinking that we’re being productive by clearing our inbox as quickly as possible. 

The reality is that focusing on the easy emails is a form of procrastination. It’s easier to deal with the emails that require a quick response than to tackle the more complex ones that require more time and effort. But by doing so, we’re neglecting the emails that are actually important and need...

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The Power of Inbox Zero: 7 Reasons Why it Matters and 5 Consequences of Not Achieving it

Getting to inbox zero every day is more than just a simple email management task; it has several psychological benefits that can greatly improve your overall well-being and productivity. By reaching inbox zero every day, you can:

  1. Maintain motivation: Reaching inbox zero every day can help you maintain your motivation and enthusiasm for email management, making it easier to sustain the habit over time.
  2. Reduced Stress: An overflowing inbox can cause stress and anxiety, but having an empty inbox every day can help reduce that stress and allow you to focus on other tasks.
  3. Improved Focus: When your inbox is empty, you can focus on the tasks at hand without being distracted by incoming emails.
  4. Increased Sense of Control: By processing emails and getting to inbox zero, you are taking control of your inbox and demonstrating mastery over your email communication. This can help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed.
  5. Better Time Management: By processing emails daily, you can ensure...
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If You Like GTD, You’ll Love LM

If you are a fan of the methodology espoused by David Allen in his book “Getting Things Done” (GTD), you may find that you will appreciate the approach and functionality of LeanMail (LM). GTD is a system for managing tasks and projects that emphasizes the importance of breaking down large tasks into smaller, actionable steps, and focusing on the most important and urgent tasks first. 

LeanMail is a email management system that is built around similar principles of GTD. It aims to help users prioritize and process their emails according to importance and urgency, using techniques like “touching” an email only once, using labels and filters to organize messages, and setting aside dedicated time to review and respond to messages. By using LeanMail’s software and methodology, you can achieve a higher level of organization and efficiency in your inbox, reducing stress and allowing you to focus on more important tasks. 

Additionally, LeanMail also...

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If after the 30-day trial you wish to continue using LeanMail, you will be requested to pay €5 per module per month
on an annual subscription basis.
For Outlook users connected to
Exchange (Office365) on Windows devices.