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Why Outlook Needs Fixing – Even If You Mainly Use Teams

The disparity between managing email and managing MS Teams often goes unnoticed, yet companies are paying a hefty price for overlooking it.

Consider Teams as your virtual neighborhood and Outlook as the broader world encompassing your neighborhood. While you can invite external parties to your Teams neighborhood, the invitation process is selective. In contrast, Outlook operates on a “come one, come all” basis; anyone with your email address can join the party. Despite spam protection acting as a gated complex, it’s challenging to distinguish between neighbors, well-meaning visitors, and manipulative marketers seeking your attention.

In general, most communications in Teams are internal, which doesn’t diminish their importance but underscores a difference in focus compared to customer interactions, particularly in sales and customer service.

Now, envision assigning a monetary value to each email in your inbox. While some emails enhance...

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The Unseen Wheel: When Teams Don't Know What They Don't Know - Because They Didn't Get The Chance

What if you recognize the value LeanMail could bring to your team's productivity but you're hesitant to introduce a new tool?

While this caution is reasonable, keep in mind that your team is unlikely to discover such specialized solutions without guidance. Remember the Post-it Note story? Peer Collaboration is Key to Make Innovation Happen.

What if, instead of seeing sharing LeanMail as an imposition, you saw it as empowering your team to manage email more efficiently. By not introducing LeanMail, you're missing an opportunity to provide a tool that cuts through the everyday chaos of information overload.

A practical way to introduce LeanMail is to invite your teams to our workshop.  Perhaps you've already been to one?  This isn't merely a presentation; it's a forum for dialogue, and questions. Framing it as a learning opportunity adds value and makes the initiative more appealing.

By showcasing LeanMail, you're giving your team a firsthand look at its...

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Next Actions On Emails: Do The Math To Get The Huge Savings

Adding a next action and a deadline to emails that require further attention is an enormously productive time-saving strategy because it helps you plan and stay organized. When you receive an email that requires more time or information to respond to, simply reading and analyzing it without taking immediate action can lead to inefficiencies and wasted time. Unfortunately, neither Google or Outlook provide the functionality to easily add a next action, but LeanMail does.

By adding a next action, you clarify what needs to be done to address the email effectively. It could involve gathering additional information, consulting with others, or scheduling a meeting. In addition, setting a deadline ensures that you allocate time to complete the task within a reasonable timeframe. This prevents emails from getting lost or forgotten amidst the continuous influx of new messages.

Without a clear next action and deadline, you may find yourself revisiting and re-analyzing the same email multiple...

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The Power of Inbox Zero: 7 Reasons Why it Matters and 5 Consequences of Not Achieving it

Getting to inbox zero every day is more than just a simple email management task; it has several psychological benefits that can greatly improve your overall well-being and productivity. By reaching inbox zero every day, you can:

  1. Maintain motivation: Reaching inbox zero every day can help you maintain your motivation and enthusiasm for email management, making it easier to sustain the habit over time.
  2. Reduced Stress: An overflowing inbox can cause stress and anxiety, but having an empty inbox every day can help reduce that stress and allow you to focus on other tasks.
  3. Improved Focus: When your inbox is empty, you can focus on the tasks at hand without being distracted by incoming emails.
  4. Increased Sense of Control: By processing emails and getting to inbox zero, you are taking control of your inbox and demonstrating mastery over your email communication. This can help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed.
  5. Better Time Management: By processing emails daily, you can ensure...
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If You Like GTD, You’ll Love LM

If you are a fan of the methodology espoused by David Allen in his book “Getting Things Done” (GTD), you may find that you will appreciate the approach and functionality of LeanMail (LM). GTD is a system for managing tasks and projects that emphasizes the importance of breaking down large tasks into smaller, actionable steps, and focusing on the most important and urgent tasks first. 

LeanMail is a email management system that is built around similar principles of GTD. It aims to help users prioritize and process their emails according to importance and urgency, using techniques like “touching” an email only once, using labels and filters to organize messages, and setting aside dedicated time to review and respond to messages. By using LeanMail’s software and methodology, you can achieve a higher level of organization and efficiency in your inbox, reducing stress and allowing you to focus on more important tasks. 

Additionally, LeanMail also...

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Why Meta tagging Emails Using Categories Beats Filing Them Away in Folders Any Day


Meta tagging emails, or using labels and tags to categorize and organize messages, can be more effective than filing them away in folders for several reasons:

  1. Increased flexibility: Meta tagging allows you to assign multiple labels and tags to a single message, making it easier to find and access relevant information. This is especially useful if you’re searching for a message that pertains to multiple projects or topics.
  2. Improved searchability: When you use metatags, you can search for messages using specific keywords or phrases, making it easier to find the information you need. This is much more efficient than manually searching through a series of folders.
  3. Greater scalability: As the number of messages in your inbox grows, it can become increasingly difficult to manage and organize them in folders. With meta tagging, you can continue to add new labels and tags as needed, making it easier to scale your organization system as your email volume...
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LeanMail Isn’t Just For High Volume Emailers

LeanMail is a highly efficient email management method designed to streamline your inbox and increase productivity, regardless of the volume of emails you receive. While many email management systems are geared towards individuals with high email volumes, LeanMail offers numerous benefits even for those who receive only a few emails per day. From reducing clutter to optimizing your workflow, LeanMail's innovative approach to email management will help you maximize your email efficiency and take control of your inbox.

Here are just seven of the most important benefits for those receiving fewer than 20 emails per day.

  1. Improved email management skills: The LeanMail method helps to improve email management skills, regardless of the number of emails received.
  2. Increased efficiency: It streamlines the email process and reduces the time spent on email, allowing for more time to focus on other tasks.
  3. Improved focus and productivity: By prioritizing and processing emails efficiently, you can...
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If after the 30-day trial you wish to continue using LeanMail, you will be requested to pay €5 per module per month
on an annual subscription basis.
For Outlook users connected to
Exchange (Office365) on Windows devices.